The podcast of Voice For Life NZ, featuring pro-life interviews, commentary, and news!
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Voice for Life is dedicated to building a culture where human life is valued and respected from conception to natural death. One where the dignity and wellbeing of every human being is prioritised and celebrated as a profound and wondrous good. We are New Zealand’s oldest and largest pro-life organisation. We have a national leadership team as well as regional Voice for Life groups all over the country. For more than 50 years, our members have been committed to peaceful and creative advocacy on behalf of the most vulnerable and voiceless members of our society. We are not affiliated with any particular religious group or political party. We have a diverse membership, and we welcome all people of good will who share our concern about bioethical issues such as abortion and euthanasia, in particular the threat they pose to vulnerable Kiwis and the common good in New Zealand. We promote sensible, research-based solutions to these issues, knowing that this is a long-term effort that can be reached by incremental changes with widespread public support. Our vision is for a future New Zealand society where acts of abortion and euthanasia are unthinkable and unnecessary.